Most Dangerous Dog I Have Ever Faced - A German Shepard That Mauls Its Owner | Cesar 911 Throwbacks
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- The hardest case I have ever encountered. In this throwback episode, I confront a territorial German Shepherd that has clawed, attacked, and destroyed this family's peace. This dog has inflicted damaged causing the owners to get 30 stitches. If I can't teach the owner to take control, she'll need to leave her family and and her home.
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Always remember: Trust, Respect, & Love
I love how Cesar holds pet parents accountable for their energy and behavior but he's encouraging and patient at the same time. It's one of the things I really respect about him.
Sad part of it is, its always the owners, especially women and their delusions of leadership 🙄
@@tonytemple8195 TOTALLY agree ! ! sorry to say it, but it is that Left wing, "peace loving" dissociative delusion that ends up ABDICATING any backbone in the owner, which the Dog then reads as weakness and LACK of REAL Leadership.
"Nature abhors a vacuum", so Doggo goes full territorial to FILL that vacuum where a SPINE should be.
@@tonytemple8195kind of weird that you chose to come after women when there are plenty in the dog training circuit that would train circles around youn
Yu feel responsible ?
Yu betray yur sister w a monster dog ?
Yu want to stay
Put the dog asleep or give it away
Yu value yur dog over the kindness of yur sister
Yu feel responsible ?
Yu betray yur sister w a monster dog ?
Yu want to stay
Put the dog asleep or give it away
Yu value yur dog over the kindness of yur sister
As a mauling survivor, I can say Cesars videos have changed my life. He has helped me gain th confidence of not only not being afraid of dogs... I had 465 stitches and needed facial reconstructive surgery. I own them and plan to own a powerful breed like a doberman soon. I have helped train dogs and even look after a lot as well. Thank God for Cesar! You are a true role model the way you handle people and pets.
Edit: I was 10 years old when I got attacked. The dog was a Rottweiler, and it shattered my teeth, cracked my jaw, and almost took my eye out. The doctor said I was lucky I lived. I really don't care what the negative comments say as I was bullied my entire life. For anyone that has a fear of dogs, I see you and hear you. Just know it's not all dogs, and it's usually the owners! It took me about 6 years to get over my fear. Take your time, and progress is better than nothing ❤️
@@TemperrQuakemay I rock the boat and say something that will infuriate people? I own a huge red nose pit male...he is a naughty monster but he loves me we are inseparable..Ive researched lots of sudden unprovoked believe that some of the best trained with strict responsible owners..ended up getting mauled over nothing.
Now if I was to be a nasty boss the dog wouldn't think I love him anymore and MAY ONE DAY CHALLENGE ME FOR MY ALPHA ROLE
So sorry you went through that.
@TemperrQuake , U are not only a survivor, but an overcomer & a conquerer!!! I pray that you are healed physically, mentally, & spiritually..
All I can say is .... wow.
Any/every breed is powerful. Try for a dog with a breed reputation as a companion animal, like Newfoundland, Labrador, Great Pyrenees, St Bernard--friendly and large and powerful.
I am a former military dog handler and trainer and it's so refreshing to see somebody that realizes that most of the problems dogs have are related to the owner and not the dog.
Don't need to be a pro to figure that out Einstein.
Exactly.. I get dogs who are on the verge of being destroyed by the council and rehabilitate them .. they are Rottweilers etc.. and I have always placed them in family homes with kids and after 30 years never had an issue.. because it’s never the dog.. and I make sure the new owners know how to be around dogs..
95% of all dog issues are based off the parent/s.
People treating dogs like children is wrong. Yes it's a family line but more like military chain, you are the lead chief and commander and must lead as so or the dog will compensate for your lack of ability. These people need counseling and sorting of there mental issues. This is basic stuff that is no longer taught in schools. Leadership, team playing working. Maybe parents of these children need to do better so these dogs aren't used as social crutches, fix the starter problem not keep patching issues. Society is screwed if all dont start stopping and fixing it now rather then putting heads in the sand... wose me etc.
@cory8837 his name was roof not Einstein, 😅 don't take from great people for old dribbling roofs😂. Just having a joke SORRY don't hate...😊
Still dont trust pitbulls. They even attack owners
Her lack of compassion for people and putting her dogs ahead of them is frightening.
THIS!!! One of them is her own sister. Irresponsible
Its the sign of a weak person, she didnt put anything first except that she just didnt actually do anything, they cover up their weakness by not actually doing anything and then trying to make out that they have done something
Super self centered and clueless owner who is 100% responsible for what her dog became. Thank goodness for Cesar saving the dog.
Her sister and brother in law have the heart of gold!
True-God bless them!🙏❤️
Trish, on the other hand, is totally selfish.
they also don't know shit about handling dogs tho xD
@@VioletJoy Absolutely. I could tell her whole personality off the 1st minute she was interviewed.
@@DotaHelm Not true; the couple are not responsible for the grossly unbalanced dog that her sister brought with her when she moved in! The dog feeds off Trish's needy and nervous energy, and in a really bad way. Only Trish can fix her dog.
This couple has an amazing amount of grace. That’s all I’m saying.
Idk that I could have that much Grace AT ALL
I'm not sure I could live in my own home afraid of the dog possibly attacking me.
Agreed. Pew Pew around here.
The owner is the problem. She has nervous energy, and she shouldn't own dogs.
I had the same thought. Cesar's abilities to retrain dogs is awesome, but the breed does not fit her personality. You can't own a dog like that if you can't control it. I love German Shepherds, and I'm not sure I have the temperament. And she's chosen a dog over people multiple times when a dog's lifespan is
"Don't come behind me, I can't protect you." Cesar has the most incredible situational awareness. Absolutely amazing. kids don't try this at home.
Dzieci? Oto historia sprzed lat.
Było wtedy w okolicy wiele zdziczałych psów i odkryliśmy że jedna z watah miała młode - więc ja i moja "banda" 10 letnich rówieśników postanowiliśmy zabrać im te szczeniaki. Niestety konkurencyjne "bandy" chłopaków wszędzie mieli swoich "szpiegów" i się o tym dowiedzieli, więc zanim zabraliśmy dzikim psom te szczeniaki musieliśmy pokonać konkurentów w polu.
Oczywiście wygraliśmy z nimi, a psom zabraliśmy młode. Niestety szczeniaków było tylko 4, a nas było 6 i nie obyło się bez dodatkowej walki. Najtrudniejsze było jednak zachować tajemnicę przed rodzicami, inaczej ojcowie zużyliby niejeden kij na naszych tyłkach.
Pozdrawiam ciebie i twoje problemy pierwszego świata.
@@arturrun1634 Lucky you, free dogs. This lady likely paid $2,000 for it.
You truly are the dog whisperer! And also, the people whisperer lmao😂
Loved how when Cesar turned up with his pack, the dog’s bark completely changed. He went from aggressive to unsure. The sound of his bark was remarkably different.
His owner is a female dog. Smhh
The dog owner's sister is the hero in this video. To remain seated in the room with the large dog who recently and viciously attacked you requires an amount of courage that few people can understand unless it has happened to them.
The sister also has a GSD, looks like long haired. Probably she knows the dog is not the problem but her own sister.
But the dog had a muzzle on. That always helps. Cesar didn't trust this situation to go well without the muzzle on either and they will all have to work very carefully now towards trusting that dog and not acting fearful near him... I have seen German Shepherds' behaviour change in an instant myself and have never trusted this breed because of it.
@dagmargross6064 I absolutely love GSD's, have had several over the years, and really like this particular dog, but he needs consistent leadership. I also noticed the owner did not keep him in a down, but started to let him take charge by sitting up. It's foolish to overestimate the security of a muzzle on any dog. A strong and determined dog with poor handling ( and even sometimes with expert handling) can get a muzzle off in seconds if it wants to.
@@californiadreamer2580 Completely agree. Why weak people get dogs like this is so depressing.
Well said! 👍🏻
I used Cesar’s technique on an aggressive shepherd mix I got from the pound. She’d been adopted and returned a couple of times and was going to be put down. I’m naturally in charge and am not afraid of dogs, so I had that advantage, but it was only from watching Cesar that I knew what to do to make her submit. Her aggression was fear based and once she saw I was the leader she calmed down. She died at age 16 after 13 wonderful years together.
Beautiful story! Full respect to you for taking the chance!
I go the other route, rescuing the anxious ones who’ve had horrific experiences with men.
After my Russian Malinois Mix died it took me three years to open my heart again, but I have welcomed a Romanian Saluki Mix into my heart since 1,5 years, and the first half year was so emotionally draining, I was almost depressed.
But she is starting to come out of her she’ll now, and is accepting physical contact more and more as a positive thing, ….
At 2,5 years I‘m positive we will see a lot of development still! 🥰
@@lynnm6413 I love my fur friends to. It can be heart breaking and takes some time. But I will always. You know what I mean.
Now that's love! Mad respect for you.
Naturally in charge hahahahah
What a GOD-send you are!
That woman is entirely too attached and dependent on that dog. She's made him the center of her world. That's a lot of pressure to put on a dog. She's got problems relating to people so her dog does too. German Shepherds are so smart and sensitive to their owners feelings. She's uncomfortable around people so he thinks ""Oh! Gotta Protect!". Wrong dog for her.
She liked and encouraged the dog to be "protective" of her. Messed up.
agree completely. I once had a GS .......beautiful and so sensitive. had to give him up because of a divorce. Saying goodbye to Rocky was one of the hardest parts of our breakup. I honestly still miss him sometimes and it's been almost 40 years. Raised him from birth.
Totally wrong dog for her.
She got rid of a man and kept her dog
That couple is far more patient than I could ever be.
Caesar isn't just a dog trainer,..This man is in a league of his own. I've never seen someone with such a gift.
Totally agree, its amazing that the sister hadn't pushed her to get the dog euthanized.
He works on a spiritual level.
This is a tv show. It’s fantasy land. Most adults realise this.
@@mutchumbowhat makes you think that? He helps dogs and their owners.
@@mrhow2712 There's a guy similar to him in Austria. Unfortunately his interesting videos apparently had to be taken down to keep his account on YT. Had lots of reactions from "animal lovers" about cruelty, same as Ceasar...
Cesar has BALLS OF STEEL, the way he deals with dogs is in a class of its own. This man has courage most people dont.
@@Dawna-gp1zk And understanding of the dog behavior. Plus he has a whole pack of alphas to protect him if he needs to. :)
He has the quiet strength of a monk or something deeply spiritual. Animals feel that power. They abide by it.
I love this man.
@@naturewatcher7596 They're not a pack of alphas! Watch Cesar's videos and listen carefully to what he says. He's the pack leader, no alphas allowed. Plus, watch the first part of the video again. He had no dogs backing him up.
would YOU try to test a potential felon who smelt worse than your grandpa's socks?
of course you wouldn't. So there is nothing ballsy about Cesar's actions. Stop watching soo much midday TV!
Cesar is in a class of his own. No one else handles the dogs and the owners the way he does.
Idk how he has the patience for some of these owners
Well put. I keep saying those are some big shoes to fill.
In a way he’s so gentle but firm! Like be lovesssssss these dogs!
I love how Cesar adapts his techniques to each individual dog and individual owner. The idea of boxing lessons to improve the confidence in the owner was brilliant. 👏
Isn't it? I would be a good friend if I was living close to him.I love such balanced,grounded guys,with such no-no sense and drama attitude.👍
I want to hug that poor sister ,, the horror she has been through and the scars . Weak people owning dogs is such a bad combination. Thank god for Cesar
You need real courage to face a dog like that. My respect to Cesar
I think it’s mostly out of understanding of WHY the dog is doing that. If you know why he’s doing it. Once you have the confidence to confront and know what you’re doing, the magic happens.
You need real courage to face your sister after your dog attacks her like that, sorry that's not courage that's straight up STUPIDITY 👎🤔😞
@@Uhhlaneuh Not to mention he's seen it so frequently that the fear is long gone in that man, for us it's the end of our lives, for him it's just another Tuesday in the office.
You also need so much compassion and respect that underlies the Courage. He is so wonderful!! XO
He chilled real quick after that Doberman gave him a quick bite.
I saw that too
Love watching other dogs correct other dogs as Long as it don't go beyond one bite and craziness. My dog has done same but only in defense she never bit first she's not allowed and is trained to know that.
It shows how well Cesar has trained them 😊
That Doberman was basically asserting his dominance and telling him to calm down.
Cesar’s greyhound Argus is similar. He nips to help aggressive dogs calm down and to protect himself.
Dogs do that to show that they do not condone and veto that action or behavior from the other.
@@Snowfang00 Didn’t he mention that he chose 4 of his more dominant dogs in order to show his powerful leader of the pack??!!
As soon as I saw a 44min episode, I knew my man is up to something. I don't even have a dog, but I just love Cesar and his teachings.
Perhaps you should get a Shepherd!🐾
This has shown perfectly that there are no bad dogs, just bad owners
Wow, lady, your sister opens her home to you because you're on a fixed income and you don't tell her that you have a dog that attacks people and she lands in the ER with 30 stitches? WTH? Stop getting powerful breeds that you can't control! Thank god for Cesar Milan.
Have you ever seen an animal activist that actually understands animals?
Life varies a lot from person to person some things require u not to speak on or understanding....
What a great question!@@stuff8195
Take your own advice and be silent!
@@1JewelOfTheNileSadly your advice needs some understanding, it's not for all
Never understood why people get certain breeds and don’t accept the responsibility that comes with it. Some breeds have stronger innate instincts compared to others, that’s the reality doesn’t matter how cute you think they are. Don’t get a Rott, GSD, Corso, etc if you’re not ready to put the time in to have a disciplined dog. That woman is lucky her sister wasn’t killed.
Couldn't agree more, I love rotties, but I would never get one because I know I don't have the right strength emotionally or physically for that breed. I've never gotten a dog without doing my research first to see if that breeds a good fit. Looks always come second over characteristics and temperament.
I have a rottweiller. He was 3 when I got him. He is calm and docile and loves everybody. He was very good with some kittens, even though he wasn't used to cats.
I have a golden retriever/maremma who is 3 now. He has a nice personality but growls a lot but the maremma is a livestock guardian dog so some of that is because he is half maremma. They said his mother was a maremma. A video I saw said wolves would kill an ordinsry dog but thst maremmas have built in breeding to be able to handle wolves and coyotes.
Zeus, my maremma/golden retriever mix seems like he could be extremely vicious if he wanted.
He and my rottweiler plsy together outside but inside Zeus the maremma mix growls sometimes. Sometimes when they are both very sleepy they are too tired to fight.
@@emmahopps5463don't get a male and you should be okay. They are loyal dogs.
Amen to that brother.
This video doesn’t say this, but some people get powerful dogs for protection. I noticed that this lady was quite petite, a bit shorter than Cesar, so perhaps this was some of her thinking. She even had two big dogs!
I purchased my gsd when she was 14 months old. She was reactive with the breeder, out of control, and I still bought her. I remembered that episode, and knew enough to also hire a good dog trainer. I applied Cesar's methods, as well as following my dog's trainer advices. I knew the breed, and made a commitment to my dog; we train on an ongoing basis. Everyday there is opportunities for training, for asking more out of her. To this day, Shadow is now my medical service dog. She is trained to recognize when I have to sit quickly before I become unconscious (drop in blood pressure), as well as pick up things I need since I can not. She works 24/7, sleeps by my bed, and this is where the success story is. She needed a job. GSDs excel in work, are devoted dogs, and need the constant challenge. Cesar is the best!
I’m so happy for you and Shadow!
@jlcmsw thank you😊 she is a good girl. I was happy to write about her. She saved me. I really think I would have given up. Every morning, when I wake up, the first kiss goes on her muzzle. Then I say hello to my husband. He knows he is #2....
Are other people safe around her now?
Wonderful story. I would like to train my 7 month old to help me too.
Said it before, and saying it yet again; what I learned from Cesar’s videos came more from watching the people, than the dogs. The double messages people project as they talk about their difficulties with their dogs, are so eye-opening to me. For instance, Trish says, “I lack leadership, I guess” and then shrugs and smiles. “I need Cesar to show me leadership” not; “I must develop leadership”. She’s disowning direct responsibility for the problem, while speaking words that on the surface sound responsible if you don’t pay attention closely. This isn’t meant as a personal criticism of Trish. I think most of us do similar things in our lives. It’s just very, very enlightening to see, and for some reason, is so very visible in Cesar’s videos. Invariably, the dog’s person in these videos is engaging in a double layer of presence; the layer where they consciously give what they think is the right thing, and then the unconscious layer that shows up in body language and tone, and of course is being read clearly by their dog.
I just want to point out: this lady being invited into her sister's home but NOT telling her that her dog was aggressive and dangerous (which resulted in her sister getting seriously injured) is NOT about having love for the dog but having a SERIOUSLY unhealthy attachment to the dog 😬 I'm glad to see she's getting more confidence in working with Cesar and that he helped give everybody hope 💛GREAT episode! 👏👏👏
I agree. Sister may need to come OUT of retirement.
@@francielwilliams6217 I agree!
Trisha would not be staying in my home especially with pets. My home is only for me and my husband. Our kids are already married and living independently.
My peace is the most important thing to me.😊
So true. TBH that was inexcusable behaviour for the dogs owner to put her sister in such danger.
@@MrPnew1then she gonna say ‘ feel responsible’ b you are responsible wat the hell
I've owned 2 German Shepherds, Trained them myself, Cesar has a skill never seen anywhere else. Magical talent, Smart Dogs need trained owners.
Agree, except he, or whoever put this video up, needs to learn how to spell "Shepherd".
Shows like this teach me why it's best to start with breeds that have good temperament and to learn how to train the more reactive breeds instead of jumping straight into getting one because you like it. A lot of attacks happen because owners unfortunately don't know how to discipline and train or they let the dog have more power than them in their household.
Ive done the same with King Shepherds, maybe I've been lucky with my dogs they were half Police K9, got them from a friend who couldnt take care of them together, I have a small hobby farm of 5 acres.
They were a little to docile to be police K9s but still had that agression for the chase and hunt, sometimes it got physical I had to use bite gloves and asleeve and rubber whip to get them to submit and after about a month of training they fully submitted to me and my wife and kids.
They figured out real quick what happend when you act up...
They were aggressive when they wanted to be and it was definatly a swtich that turns on, you have to control that switch to be turned on when you need it not when they want to.
These dogs have the mind of a 4 year old child it seems like, highly intelligent working dogs.
They have all their toys, bungees and rope to play with, after I trained them with no leashes, took them about 3 months to fully learn commands, now they never leave my side or my wifes side, they are out pets but also family, with other animals and kids they protect and play, they specifically took to protecting the chickens and fence line I have around half the property, they will silently walk the perimiter like a couple of special forces operators, total silence you cant even hear their paws on the grass or gravel sometimes, its a little eerie and amazing at the same time haha they will just come out of the darkness in total silece and look at you with the puppy dog eyes wanting cookies and pets.....its a little hilarious for King Shephards that are almost all black.
I have been blessed with these doggos.
Dogs need to not be in existence for the most part
Shepards are one of those breeds, if you you aint alpha and running the show, they will.
The way Cesar reintroduces the dog to the house at the end with a group of people, watched from inside the house by the couple is genius and beautiful.
No gonna lie this was badass Cesar. Him alone with the racket and after that him and the pack, straight gangster 😂
I am from Wales. I rescued a Staffordshire bull terrier back in 2003. Her aggression was at the highest level with other dogs. I couldnt let her off the lead and began walking her at odd hours when nobody was around. She had no friends and i felt guilty. Then I started to watch the dog whisperer and 2 years later, this dog, who's name was Meg, was off lead and totally social. 100 percent rehabilitated and even became a role model for other dogs, helping with aggression issues. It was 2 years of dedication and hardwork and it was thanks to Cesar. Meg made me a stronger, better human being and we had an amazing relationship. I had the chance to meet Cesar and shake his hand when he came to Cardiff, Wales in 2010.
@RhysParry-ke6ql cool!!
That is an awesome story so happy this made me smile❤😊
Susan Iwicki watched Ceasar as well. Got her 2 pits as pups and trained accordingly. Then they fatally mauled a child she was babysitting. Pits ripped him out of her arms. Or the pro pit guy from Tennessee that defended the breed relentlessly until his dogs that were good for 8 years fatally mauled both his children and mauled his wife. He then removed all pro pit propaganda from his facebook. I hope he speaks out someday, like Susan did on the fifth estate. To protect more families from this fate. Even Ceasars dogs have bitten a woman and fatally mauled another dog, so you can't blame owners. It's humans fault, breeding them for bloodsport for decades then expecting to love genetics out of them? It's irrational and dangerous and no one learns until something awful happens.
Hi Rhys, my best mate has a Staffie & she's the loveliest dog ever. I used to think they were aggressive, but with strong owners, they're great. 😊 Best wishes from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤
Exactly Jennifer. They are actually called the 'nanny dogs' because they are so amazing with humans, particularly children. They have been voted Britain's number 1 dog 3 times in a row. Opinions have changed a lot. Good to know they're doing well in Australia too ❤️
It’s always the lack of leadership skills that drive the poor dogs to make choices that hurt the dog and the household. People want the love of the dog but not all the work required. It’s not just food and water. Cesar always knows what’s up. His interviews are to find out who’s the problem. She’s expecting the dog to fill her needs that’s not his job, that’s why he’s dangerous.
I have a cousin who's very much like this. She had a cocker spaniel that was mean (but didn't bite anyone, as far as I know) that got along with her. She had a border collie that was out of control, and eventually became aggressive. She had a golden retriever that thankfully was a match for her personality, and was calm and friendly to everyone, and not aggressive.
Some people, if they don't receive training, are not fit to own most dogs.
I have a cat, and that's a whole different ballgame.
@ so true and I’ve owned both for years
she gave up a boyfriend for her dog. Talk about fulfilling all her emotional needs. She prefers dogs to people it seems, and cares more about animals than people as well. How she was still living there in that lovely guest cottage after her dog did all that damage to her sister, I do not understand. I would think the husband would have insisted on her leaving.
So very right you are! Well said😊
@@helenespaulding7562yes, and really selfish of her to not have explained situation to her sister and brother-in-law BEFORE bringing the dogs into their home. Should have sought help prior to moving there, would have saved her sister the trauma. How selfish.
“I hope Cesar can fix my dog” Cesar doesn’t just fix dogs, it’s the owners he fixes.
As the saying goes, there is not a lot we can teach a dog, compared to how much they can teach us.❤
No bad dogs; only untrained owners.
Wow is she one of those people that have sex with their animals!!!!????
@@kuvasz5252which is utter carelessness when you have an intelligent powerful breed. The worst part..she got TWO. She's not even meant for one.
Trish, I wouldn't give you a drawn sheep to look after.
No. It's both the dog and the owner.
Cesar is my hero. I dont have a dog, but on the streets of my city (eastern europe) there are many dogs. I ve learned not to be afraid of them and how to interract with them from Cesar. One day I have to meet Ivan, a very agresive dog. My aunt told me: dont go close to him cos he will bite you. I go in the the room when Ivan was isolated, he was anxios. But I was calm and Ivan come close to me and put his head on my knee. He was so sweet and such a wonderful moment happend..🥹. Thank you Cesar. You are a wonderful person!
Cesar truly is gifted, I was on the edge of my seat the entire video. The woman's GSD was not the problem, she definitely was. Such an intelligent powerful breed needs a strong handler, which through Cesar's help she became.
Cesar is the Dog Whisperer, the one and only!
This woman should NEVER own a German shepherd. You need to be a calm assertive strong leader for such an intelligent strong dog. Cesar was so brilliant in identifying the problem.
She looks and acts like she would own a purse dog
She is the problem the dog should be taken off of her if Ceasar will keep hi let him go even if she learns what to do she will fall back I to her old ways she is not concerned about her sister when she was bitten everywhere she should have given the dog up but no she kept him at her sisters house knowing her sister was terrified ...some sister?
I totally agree!!!
The dog is clearly not the problem!
She is the problem!
Her behavior and energy sends the dog into a frenzy.
She is not capable of owning such a dog but selfishly continues to own a dog she cannot control, putting other people's lives at risk.
Such a selfish human being!!!
I know a lady that has a female German shepherd; that dog snaps almost breaking down the doors. The lady had her German shepherd as a's so aggressive.
A self-centered, irresponsible lady with zero leadership skills gets two powerful dogs, overly affectionate, and treats them like 'babies'. That's an accident waiting to happen. Cesar is absolutely fantastic.
ZERO leadership skills but she fancies herself an animal activist. Yeahh lady, your laziness ruined a good dog.
At last someone who is on my thinking terms ...SHES ruined that beautiful dog
It's one thing to love your dog but I could never place my family's life over any animal
She said her selves that she’s somewhat of a shut in, so she obviously did not properly socialize this German Shepherd. If she was an animal activist, she would’ve nipped it in the bud when her dog bit her boyfriend. That should’ve been a huge red flag, that the dog needs to be socialized!
Now she does. She learned. Im proud of her. Shes a woman willing to change and grow for her dog. She loves those dogs. Lovely woman.
6:11 the way she giggles after telling “I still have the dog”, I’m glad it’s so funny to you that your aggressive dog mauling potential lovers and also your family members who brought you in (in a time of need) is so funny to you! Very quirky! She seems to enjoy the wedge it creates.
Yeah, her micro expressions when she was talking about how it was her fault her sister got attacked, screamed to me she thought it was humorous in a way. This lady has issues.
@@beatrixbrennan1545 this lady is a narcissist - keeping such an aggressive dog that mauls her sister and herself it wouldn't behoove me to have this GSD put down
@@gabbied8083 Simple answer? She's an idiot..they shoulda put her in jail and found the dog a good home..
9:41-" Is he really going to face ovetchkin? Nobody goes out that door without being attacked." I replayed it a couple of times because I kept thinking Is it my imagination or does she sound proud of this?
She a liberal, that's how they are.
Very impressive work. My wife was a dog trainer for 25 years and she would always said that training the owner/family was just as, if not more important than training the dog. If the owner was not willing to take control of there dog by learning how to be the dominant one in the relationship, than no amount of training for the dog will ever work long term.
I REALLY love the fact that Caesar is a “dog lover” as well as a “people lover”. This allows owners to feel comfortable with the ‘fact’ that ‘they’ need to be trained as well as the doggies.
Yes it’s obvious he cares for both !!!
Right. I have a hard time with the people part.
Very well spoken.
I knew a lil about body language around dogs... But Cesar has multiple masters degrees in K9... AMAZING
Now if we can only convince him to come out of the closet...
@@iSiberianHusky😮 WTF does his sexuality have to do with his dog training? 🤡
I’ve heard of Caesar but never have watched an episode. This guy is amazing
They are a powerful breed, and especially intelligent. Hats off to Cesar.
Cesar, you are the best!! A true dog whisperer. God bless you. 💜❤️🩷❤️💜❤️🩷❤️💜🐕
Bottom line, if your dog is out of control, it is YOUR fault. You either commit to your learning and get help or give up the dog. No one has the right to let their dogs be someone else’s problem, much less to let someone get hurt or to live in fear because you haven’t done the work. God bless Caesar and his gentle leadership for people who have lost their minds.
Absolutely agree 👍
Just like people, sometimes animals can just simply be bad eggs.
Completely agree. It’s unfair to all. What if it was a neighborhood child in or near the yard? People also need to understand breed temperament. Constantly see people getting dogs they can’t handle because they want a look.
That statement isn't 100% accurate because kids pull tails, ears, or even bite which all triggers a dog so sometimes it's parents fault for nor watching and respecting animal boundaries
Debbie and her husband put up with a lot more than I would have. It was incredibly selfish and irresponsible of Trish to bring an untrained, out-of-control dog to her sister's house and NOT EVEN TELL THEM beforehand! Trish is living off her sister and her sister's husband and not even caring enough about them to warn them in advance. How many people would KILL to be in a living situation like that and wouldn't dream of bringing a dangerous dog. It's astounding to me the utter lack of respect that couple tolerated from that selfish woman.
I agree too very selfish women! She infuriated me with her complete selfishness! Since she on low income she wasn't the one that paid for Cesar training ! She is blessed yo have a sister and her husband to take her in and live in the guest house ..people would give eye teeth to live there .. I hope she appreciates them for what they done for her but some how her actions not telling them about this aggressive dog tells me enough that this is a very selfish women who has no concept of her actions ! I truly hope I'm wrong and that this dog doesn't get put down because of her lack of control ! Time will tell
Exactly! She's the entire problem. Poor dog
When I had my driver’s license in high school, I would stop at a friend’s house to pick him up for school in the morning. I always felt threatened by his chow, so I wouldn’t go through the gate. The barking alerted him that I was there. He always laughed at me, saying that I was in no danger. One day I came, the dog wasn’t barking at me, but I saw his fur under a slab of pressboard. This dog had attacked his father, his own master, so the dad put a bullet in him.
Trish is a horrible person. She looks to be late 40s early 50s, yet she's "retired" and living on a fixed income and can't afford to live on her own. On top of it she has two dangerous dogs that she never even attempted to train. Her sister is a saint.
EXACTLY!! Well said 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Honestly, if I were put in the same place as that home owner, after an attack like that, the dog would be no more. Hell no.
Yikes, you’re one of those…
@@Emm-i9f Yes, a human being that doesn't think it's ok to be attacked by a vicious animal, one of those.
The dog would be dead and the sister would be working again to pay the rent on her new appartment because she wouldn't live in the backyard anymore.
Ceaser is unique.
Somebody like Cesar appears once at 100 years.
He is pure gold.
Cesar is out of this world, he mastered the language that only animals like dogs know
I have followed your techniques since I first saw you in 2004. Through the years we’ve had cocker spaniels, Shih Tzu’s, Schnauzer(my first very, very stubborn dog), Doberman, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and finally in my golden years Chihuahuas. All rescues except for the Rottweiler and German Shepherd. No matter what the breed I always used your techniques. The most aggressive ones were the Chihuahuas. LOL. But with each of the four that I have had, took less than 30 days to bring them under the control and enjoy the love from each and every one of them. Your show has afforded me the companionship, and love from everyone of these breeds. Never forget what you have done for us! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
I am a rescuer and all of my pets have been ones that I rescued. All have been wonderful. But…these last 2 pups are a chihuahua(love like I gave birth to her) and finally my staffy (pit bull). My chi is the most stubborn fur baby that I’ve ever had. Shes not aggressive but will not do one thing I tell her to do. Refuses to be potty trained and it drives me crazy!!! I rescued my staffy 2 years ago from a horrible landfill (dump). I was contacted because the people that worked there had fallen in love with her and wanted her to be safe. Vets believe she was 5 or 6 so now she’s 7 or 8. The most loyal, obedient, devoted and probably the smartest dog I’ve ever had. 2 years ago we had a cold blast that his AL on Christmas Eve so I rescued her on 12/21. It was 0 in Bham AL and that wasn’t including the windchill. She would have died. She is still learning new tricks at 7/8 years old. The chi knows what sit and shake are but she would rather die than do either for me. I truly have no idea what to do in her case and I’ve never been thrown with not knowing what to do. She’s 6 and I rescued her just before she was to be put down because her ears didn’t stand up. The breeder couldn’t sell her. Cruel monsters is what they are. But I am at a lose with Lulu!!! Her sister is so wonderful, (the staffy, Scarlet).
@ love your story. You know we say we rescue them, but in reality they rescue us. Happy new year!
That’s beautiful ❤
I have a brother and sister that are half miniature schnauzer and half chihuahuas so I DEF feel your pain. The girl is an absolute angel and her brother is an absolute 😈. Lol ironically, he is my favorite dog of all 3 but it’s because he needs me the most. He is super stubborn and hard headed, but also extremely anxious and worried all the time. They’re almost 5 now and it’s been on going work since I brought them home at 5 weeks old. Sometimes he is so well behaved and such a ham, super funny. And other times, he stresses me out to no end.
Cesar is a gift. We needed learn that there is a whole different level of communication with dogs.
Cesar Millan is the BEST! :)
This is such a special program. I have tears in my eyes. My dogs passed at 20, 19 and 18 years old. I learned a lot from Caesar. Each dog had their problems initially. But we overcome together. But I learnt from Caesar’s program.
I had to pleasure to work with Caesar in Singapore at an event we created. His son was so young then.
Thanks Caesar and all pet owners.
Remember - dogs have the same issues as humans. Let’s change ourselves for the better as well
Not all dogs are suitable for their owner. Not all owners are suitable for their dog. If you cannot manage your dog, you are putting them in danger - not to mention other humans in your environment.
I couldn’t have less respect for that woman. She’s put her family and an animal she claims to love in mortal danger.
@@TheSuzberryyes but not mortal.
He dont go for the neck😅
Very strong territorial.
Lets say a friend of mine had one gsd with absolute no fear. Much more socialized of course and patient with the most rowdy of kids.
But when a man assaulted her,he broke through 3 doors and went for the neck. I leave it with that. Looong time ago in another country.
This dog was just not calibrated" until Cesar came to the rescue.
Agreed that strong dogs need mentally strong owners.
I see whats coming in a five week old puppy,but most people dont.
Education. Because dogs are here to stay. 😊
This is why you ask for help when you need it. Nobody can expect people to know everything, especially not for first time dog owners. People who put a dog down without ever asking for help are truly people who should never own a dog in their life. If you need help, ask for help , that’s the correct thing to do as a responsible dog owner, not getting rid of a dog bc you can’t put the time and effort in to fix problems
Exactly what I was going to say! You are 100% right!
Horses for courses, she she have got a poodle ,she is not strong enough character too own two powfull dogs ,that clearly could have killed her sister,after her sister was so kind to put a roof over her head
Caesar is awesome, and once again proves that anything is possible with your dog, but you have to make it happen. Be the leader your dog needs for them to become well balanced and happy. To all the people out there who only give affection with no discipline, you are not helping your dog to be the best that they can be. The better owner and leader you are to your dog, the better dog you will get.
So Good. There is one thing I noticed. I used to train horses and if they werent responding to riding commands they know well, I would say their name in an octave lower, a resonant, low and serious voice, fairly loud but low pitch. Worked everytime. Usually with one horse called Ben, he wouldnt go into a canter from a walk. He knew the commands and shift in weight in the saddle. Was probly kinda tied or even bored. The use of the low tone authoritative voice saying 'Ben' while giving him his cues, worked every time.
I have found this works really well with dogs. So much so that its usually all I had to do to stop dogs misbehaving.
Cesar does not have the reputation he has for no reason. He is, bar none, one of THE most successful and brilliant dog trainers and behaviourists that exist. Kudos on an amazing result.
if he is only "one of the most successful..", than that is not "bar none"
@@MrPete-pe6uk ... My most humble apologies for my grammatical error. (emoji with middle finger) And I think you meant to say THEN that 😂
@@momofschnauzers your response is one of the sillier responses i have none
@@MrPete-pe6uk shut up Pete
Dog psychologist
I'm a dog lover, but if I had been that severely bitten, I would not have been as understanding. Props to Cesar, of course, and I saw the Gio was very valuable in helping also.
I broke up a fight between 2 of my dogs and was bit in the process. My wife said that he bit me [with implied intention] because he was mad at me for kicking him. A stupid thing I did out of not knowing what else to do. I changed my approach to a chinese strangle hold which worked great, but my incompetent wife didn't have conviction so all I was doing was rendering one dog helpless to defend himself. So I let go and shortly after was bit. I told my wife I got bit because the dog was trying to bite the other dog and I was just in the way. Never had any aggression towards us with them. I told her, if I was bit intentionally, I would put the dog down myself. That's a deal breaker.
A great example of the right training!
Most dogs can be protectors. I've owned many breeds from Min Pins to Great Danes and honestly respect all of them. Had a very well trained Labrador as a kid. The dog saved my life several times when I was younger. Once when I had a knife pulled on me and another time when a stranger tried to take me. Also had a boxer that put himself between me and a ticked off bull. The same boxer would have given his life to save my children. Both those dogs were well mannered and behaved around anyone. Its all in the training no matter the breed and every dog no matter the size needs appropriate training. Cesar is an absolute master. True respect!
“I’ll sacrifice my emotions”. Her sister was mauled, but her “heart is broken” because she’s going to be without ONE of her two dogs for a few weeks. She’s emotionally broken. Her priorities are screwed up. I’m betting she’s one of those animal activities who cares more about animals than she does about people. Even her own sister.
Agreed. Unbelievable.
Well said! This woman is unbearable.
She is a broken person who has no place owning that dog
@@firenze5555she’s selfish.
Yeah buddy
Wow the sister is a saint. Its incredible that she still allowed that viscous dog on her property after that. She must REALLY love her sister.
Agreed. First sign of aggression, I would’ve told her either she moves out with the dog, or the dog goes.
How much does Trish love her sister.???
@@zinnia3684 it‘s obvious who was the Golden Child, isn‘t it! So much entitlement from Trish!
Loving can be saying *no* .
@@zinnia3684 Fear in her is stronger than love. She chose an overprotective dog over her sister and over her boyfriend.
I've watched countless episodes and this one is by far at the top. It was better than a full length movie. The dogs explosive behavior, Cesar's reduction of territory scheme, extras, emotional rollercoaster of the owner, Debbie's bravery, cliffhangers throughout. This should be required viewing for all dog owners.
My gosh, the more I watch, the more I'm in awe of your ability to rehabilitate these beautiful dogs ❤
Useless owner, powerful dog. Great mix
Like drinking and driving. 🫤
Yeah, my sentiments exactly. And, she’s totally at fault for her sister’s injuries. She should have disclosed her violent dogs behaviors before she was allowed to move in.
@@ChiIIerClan - The dog sense her weakness, and he felt the need to always protect. She acknowledged that the dog's vicious behavior was her fault. She better always be grateful to her sister/brother-in-law because most of us would've taken the dog to the vet to be put down.
A lot of people own powerful dogs that are aggressive but they adopt him as puppies not realizing what kind of training they'll need. Thank God for Cesar Millan. He understands dogs...and the people that own them.
My gosh so useless. Dog sees the "owner" as food and shelter. He runs everything else...
Wow, that's awesome. She chose the dog over the welfare of the family member trying to help her and she threw in the pain and suffering and stitches along the way, just for good measure.
And, while smiling (that bugged me) admits she'll just move back out rather than give up the dog.
And that's why this happened.... A weak woman with a strong dog
To her, the dog is like her child, part of her family. That is not an excuse but it is a part of her story. He has protected and comforted her for five years. I'm glad Cesar could teach her.
The boyfriend, who lost out to the dog, narrowly escaped.
True ! Never a bad dog it’s always a bad owner
I am amazed at how the couple is handling this after having the injury. Wow is all I can say. Cesar is a blessing to people and their pets.
Amazing work by Cesar, I always learn so much when I watch his shows. The sister and her husband should be nominated for sainthood. What good and generous people.
This lady is something else! Getting upset because her aggressive dog is going away for weeks of training upsetting her?!!! Protect your family first, she’s the one who needs training
It’s always the owner that needs training
She's lucky her sister is still allowing her to stay there after LYING TO HER causing her to get seriously injured! But hey, she "feels responsible" so it's ok? I have to wonder how folks woulda felt about her if she were a MAN!?
She'd be going back to Chicago
Exactly my thoughts! This woman is a freaking nut job! And her sister and brother in law are saints!
This video popped up and I am so glad it did. I've never seen a more competent handling of a very out of control, dangerous dog and successful training of its owner!
What a challenge! Great Job Cesar! You're the men 💪
One thing I love about Cesar, is that he tries his best to help both people and dogs because he believes that they can change. He knows absolutely that the dogs can change, and he tries his best to help the humans even though sometimes people can’t. I was waiting to hear him offer to swap dogs, but Trisha pulled it off. This is redemption in action. He changed the situation, and gave her the tools so that she can continue to improve, and work through her shame, now that she’s a stronger person. I wish them all well and I hope that they all live happily ever after.
She said I feel responsible. YOU ARE
stupid woman
She seriously is selfish
@@CodeNameZero I think she's courageous for putting herself out there, acknowledging that she is the reason she made him that way. She put in the work as well, team effort, and she didn't bring her dog to the pound cause she couldn't "handle" him, she wanted to learn how to handle him. Far from selfish.
@@six2917 getting gsd, let him grow up for 5 years without any leadership and training... that is very selfish, she obviously made zero research about how to raise a big dog... I had GSD dogs all my life and let me tell you - they are one of the easier dogs to train - she failed with one of the most trainable dogs... she gave it zero effort
@ No, I understand your point, genuinely. But I think credit where it's due that she recognised she was in over her head, truly selfish people wouldn't have done that.
Also , i love the way German Shepards eyes can go from agressive to "sorry about that" panda eyes 😂
Y'know, watching this I'm reminded of the origins of the word "meek". It was for war-horses in ancient times that were under command, that could be directed in battle. The opposite of a "wild" stallion. An army full of wild stallions would be useless. Cesar is helping Ovechkin to surrender, to be submissive, or "meek". Which does _not_ mean "weak" or "cowardly". Actually one can be powerful and brave and still be "meek". They are simply submissive to the commands of a higher power (in this case the human). And of course Cesar's the best. Huge fan. I will never, ever tire of watching him in his element with dogs, like Gordon Ramsey fixing a Kitchen Nightmare or Kevin Richardson with his lions! Great video, thanks for uploading!
Thanks for the excellent explanation of the word meek!
The ability to draw one’s sword yet choosing not to…
He is a magician. He saves lives. I love the work he does. I say he deserves more recognition.
I just hope Trump doesn't deport him.
@MultiChris 😂😂 Ceasr is a legal migrant so no deportation haha
He just understands dog behaviour & tendencies.
The main issue is that most dog owners are not knowledgeable at all when it comes to dogs.
i mean, he's pretty much a superstar... everyone with whom i've casually brought him up knows of him well. but yeah, he's good.
i often wonder if he is also good with humans... "street smart" or able to feel out individuals and direct them emotionally, etc. we're all just animals (some more than others).
(if you feel like musing about personality types:) Eg, personally, I SUK at all forms of salesmanship/personal propaganda, etc. I'm usually agreeing with the person on the other end of any given issue or perspective, rather trying to convince others of my own view...
"yeah, i guess it does have a drip of paint on that seat belt... i could lower it a bit below half of bluebook value.." i usually just kick myself later.
Incidentally, I've questioned this in myself (whether it's due to weakness and being a doormat) and I truly don't believe this is the case because I CAN (and used to) be very-much more savage than most (I was notorious for the "in your face" hardcore, no-shame stuff in highschool - anything that made me come away with the "win"). But when I got older (and recognized how embarrassingly immature this was), I saw the cultural influence of this type of behavior and it made me sick; disgusted by that archetype of self-centered hubris, heavy-handed force, and blindness to being truly considerate about others.
Now, ofc, I overcompensate... never in proper balance (sigh).
Thus I am usually WAY too eager to put my own perspective and feelings on perpetual hold, intellectualizing every nuanced consideration to the extreme to endlessly rotate perspective... "ANYTHING to not be THAT guy, and spread THAT pigheaded modality," I find myself always silently thinking.
"TL;DR" I know. sorry. it all just came out.
if you cant vent problems here that you can't voice in rl, what are pop comment sections good for?
@@JamesBurdon-gu5yu Not to burst your bubble, but he has at one point relayed his story somewhere, saying how he entered US illegally in his early 20s and had to sleep under a bridge for sometime until he got a job or something and started climbing…
Love Cesar though! Big big fan of him and his work!
@CesarMillan I hope you and your pack are doing ok during these terrible LA wild fires 🔥. Sending you positive vibes from NY🙏🏼
He posted a video earlier saying he was ok from the DPC
@ kk ty 👍🏼 sorry I missed it
@Reina.Nijinsky Still a good message 😊👍
@Reina.Nijinsky hope you got a chance to see it. Cesar is such a kind soul
@@lechatbotte. he sure is 👍🏼
Incredible Cesar, youre the man!!!!
It's the pure SELFISHNESS of this sister for me. She chose not to tell her sister about her dogs behavior. One of my friend's allowed one of her friends to bring her dog over. It almost took my hand off. Thankfully, I was quicker than the dog, but a friend's child was not so lucky. He got attacked and bit in the face. I see way too many people walking uncontrolled dogs. Thank God for Ceasar.
I despise dog owners who can not control their dogs.
@@firenze5555 they never bothered to learn how. They think it's cute when the dogs jump all over you.
How’d you like to live next door to that mad house? The barking would get you reported around here. Plus bite would have to be reported to Sheriff.
@Jacky-b5c The sheriff is not coming out for your dog bite in Los Angeles, which is where they live. 😂 It’s reported to the county’s Public Health dept here. They’re not in an HOA neighborhood, so dog barking is not really something people can control other than making polite requests of the homeowners. Hoping they’ll do something is the most that anyone can do here without an HOA.
"Didn't tell my sister about his behavior", what the hell! She's got kids! How fricking irresponsible and selfish. This woman takes the cake. She is clearly Anthropomorphic.
Eh? Do you know what anthropomorphic means? Do you really mean to say that this woman 'has human characteristics'?
Yeah, I think you meant that she's "misanthropic", but I agree.
@@SchoolVideosGoHere I meant no such thing. I was simply defining the word that was misused.
@@bayadere8308 Maybe they meant to say that the dog owner treats the dog as anthropomorphic. She doesn't treat him like an animal that needs to behave.
It seemed like the photo with kids might be an older photo. So there might not be kids in the house, but I agree with your sentiment. You don't expose people to a dog like that without warning -- let alone move in without talking to them about it!
This lady is yikes - on a scale from 1-10, she's probably a 17. The second I heard her say "I'm an animal lover" I knew these dogs would have horrendous behavior.
Like jfc lady, if your dog bites someone and they need LITERALLY 30 STITCHES, how the hell do you not do something about it before calling Cesar!?
32:12 me: "lady are you stupid"
33:02 "it was probably me that caused this behavior" bruh how is there ANY uncertainty that you cause this behavior
And claims to be an animal activist😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@@mr.hartwood7121I guess you were paying attention.
Her first admission, she said she wasn't a good dog leader. She knew from the time the dog but her friend that is why she isolated herself she didn't know how to handle her dog around other.
Incredible! That was such a teaching video for me. I am afraid of dogs too!!! I never felt confident enough
Your way with animals blows me away... You can clearly see the respect the dogs have for you. Thanks Cesar, it teaches all of us to be better dog companions.
This woman kind of disgusts me. She claims to be an animal advocate yet she has known this dog she loves so much has the potential to kill someone else for years. She has not advocated for this dog at all. Her self-centered behavior about not wanting to be alone has kept her from doing the right thing for this dog ever since she's known about the problem. In addition to that she pretends to be afraid and nervous about Cesar being with her dog. The reality is she's learned to be fearful and say that she's nervous when she knows she's responsible for her own dog's behavior, so that she doesn't have to feel guilty. I mean it's way easier to say that you're nervous then to take responsibility. Caesar knows what he's doing she doesn't need to take on anxiety on Caesar's behalf. She needs to grow up. Starting to cry because your dog is finally going to get the training he needs? She should be crying because she's happy about it. The pretend advocates like her don't need animals. And quite frankly I don't think she would get him any training if her sister and brother-in-law hadn't told her they were going to kick her out if she didn't do something about that dog. This is not about the dog it's totally about her.
💯 True
I couldn't agree more. I to blame the dog owner, 1. she has no idea of pack mentality and how dogs work, 2. and as you say, she claims to be an animal advocate, she has no idea. My in-laws has a German Shepard that was brought up like a baby, I said from the start that they would have problems with it as soon as it becomes adolescent, they did, it went for the weakest first and started to go up the chain of command, Ive had dogs all my life, when it went for me, I put it on its back and held its neck until it submitted, never went for me again and did what I told it to, in the end they had no choice but to get rid of it. If you are going to have such a powerful killing machine, you need to make sure it knows it place or you are in a lot of trouble.
You need to take a HUGE chill pill! We are all here to learn. Toxic person
Pretend advocate. Good one.
She definitely needs therapy. If she does, must change her therapist
Always learning so much about human psychology on this show. She's emotionally married to this dog, depending on it for emotional strength and security. Amazing how people create dangerous situations by their failure to take accountability for themselves and establish healthy boundaries.
Wayyy underrated comment!!!
@@startuphub4097 Well a lot of Women would rather have a pet than a Husband or child these days
@jspro100 let's hope they don't all end up creating dangerous situations for others because of their lack of self-awareness and value for human life like this person.
@ They will but Men aren't allowed to say anything about it because we would be mansplaining or invalidating a Woman's feelings and lived experiences.
I was thinking something very similar!
Thanks Cesar for all you do for these lovely creatures.
"I felt responsible...." Well, duh! Why would you not tell your poor sister?!
She is responsible.
I’ve been a fan since Cesar’s first episodes. Great work. I still enjoy these videos all the years later.
Sorry to to say but scared emotional owners should not get dogs without going to classes on how to be in charge and responsible owners especially when it can mean difference of life an death for another human, child etc.
Most people have no business getting a dog since they put in nothing as far as prep and training. If it’s a power breed they absolutely have no business taking one on. This woman is weak as hell.
I am scared and emotional person and I totally agree… I wanted a Great Dane but when my husband came home with a Frenchie I couldn’t even control her… so with his help and going to classes and watching this videos I made it, but it takes a lot of time and effort 🥲 I still want a bigger dog but I know I’m not ready yet
@@shrutefarms4741how is she weak ? She knew she had a problem, asked for help to fix the problem, and was able to fix it ?
I would leave it at “scared emotional owners should not get dogs”. Some people are not emotionally mature enough to handle a dog. Especially large dogs, but small dogs can be dangerous also. She should get a bunny. She’s on a fixed income can’t afford housing she can’t afford multiple pets. She seems healthy enough to get a job. Why she dependent on her sister and husband is a sign of immaturity.
@@janethv9463 As far as I know, Great Danes are much easier to handle. (I have zero experience with Frenchie's, though.) Danes are huge, but really easy going & gentle. My sister has had two Great Danes & loves them!
Just 3 words 👌
Respect, Respect, Respect!
How irresponsible can the sister be!!! Her dog is dangerous enough to bite her boyfriend and she knew it. But in order to move in with her sister, she chose NOT TO TELL her sister that her dogs are dangerous??? Who needs enemies when you have a sister like that?
Sounds like your typical self-centered "activist."
If you wanna get political: To me it sounds like the generic orange man supporter🫣😀
Well how would the sister not no what they nvr talked til.sge moved in yeah ok
@@glengregory1329 If you listened, you will have noticed that Trish said she didn't tell her sister about her dog
@@Nyaatastic Orange man supporter? More than half of Americans supported that joker. Not me. But if you can even politicize my comment about a woman & her dog, you are truly American
It’s so encouraging to see the growth in Trish’s behavior! As a parent to a strong Doberman, I never quite understood how powerful, calm, and assertive you have to be with a bully breed until I owned my first Doby. Thankfully, I learned quick and became the pack leader they deserved. Excellent job as always Caesar and the growth Trisha possessed throughout the training is commendable!
It's all fun and games until Cesar brings out THE PACK
You are indeed a guru.
My two Pomeranians used to bark whenever they heard dogs barking while I watched Cesar episodes. With a quick 'tcht and saying 'enough' they both stopped. Now they're both calm and snoring. LOL Thanks Cesar! 🤣🥰
Trish: I'm trying...
Cesar: yeah, youre trying....
I know....I caught that too. Diplomatic.
I caught that. I wonder if she followed through or went back to her lazy ways?
I just fucking love this guy. He gets dogs. He gets humans and their relationship with their dog. He is in a league above a lot.
Cesar you're absolutely amazing. Please keep doing your work. It has affects on everyone. There's a lesson to be learned by all in every episode. TY.
This lady is putting this dangerous dog ahead of her family!
Ahead of her whole life too.
Really selfish to let that dog hurt her sister so badly. Too many good dogs that need homes.
It is a shame she did not get the dog training when he was 8 months old. 4 years without training? Irresponsible owner!
Yeah. it i pathetic and absurd. If you can not handle a dog and refuse to learn how, you must get rid of it. I have had several dogs endanger myself and my family and I have seen this incredibly weird bizarre behavior of owners actually defending their dogs as if I or others were to blame for their behavior. I saw a German Shepard attack a mailman once in Staten Island and when the owner came outside on the porch, he started blaming the post man. My former father in law was jogging in L. A. when a little dog attacked him. When he said something to the woman about it, she defended her dog as if it were my father in law's faulty. My father in law kicked the dog and then just kept his jogging. I once had two German Shepards attack me on my bicycle running out 100 yards into the road to do so. I quickly had to get off my bike sand and put it in between me and the dogs. A few weeks later when I saw a woman at the house while driving my car on the same road, I got up and went up to the woman and told her that her dogs tried to attack me, she called me a liar!!!! I swear to God that people like this are the ones whose dogs esp. pit bulls later cause injuries and deaths. Of course, needy and selfish dog owner reading this will no doubt immediately attack me and defend their 'poor little baby dogs'!!!! This is sick and dangerous.
That's how these dogs get to that point in the first place. They treat the dog as an equal (or even as a superior) instead of taking leadership of the situation themselves. It starts when they're adorable puppies but that behavior becomes dangerous when they're older.
I love it when Cesar brings his pack to engage with the dog he is training, especially the little black pug, Chihuahua, the Terrier and the Pomeranian looking one.
It is a Pomeranian!
Omg those lil guys are so adorable!!
That woman would be so gone. It's difficult to comprehend how people that stupid can exist.
I wonder how you exist
@@JosardGomez their comment was right, a$$h0le
I can learn a lot from you, Cesar. Everything is all about energy and you are proving it with concrete evidence. Love your work 🤍
That lady is crazy as hell! Good work Cesar
I don't get "crazed" vibes from her. She's very passive. Passive is the opposite of crazy. She was wrongheaded to adopt 2 bully dogs without knowing how to control them, but in the end they forced her to grow, and I think that's why we get animals to begin with. To help us change into better people.
Ever since owning two dogs (one german-shepard/golden retreiver and one pitt/lab) I turned from a main cat lover to now also a huge DOG lover. Since they have passed away last 2020-2022 I have been heartbroken but my love for dogs has grew exponentially.
I love this episode because it reminds me of the time I had to win over my pitt-lab with the teachings of Cesar Milan. Thank you Cesar. I have very beautiful memories with my dogs because of you!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Cesar!