Hasan Teases BIG RESPONSE to Ethan Klein and Threatens to LEAVE Twitch

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Zac & Gavin react to Hasanabi getting banned and immediately unbanned on Twitch, plus him teasing a response to Ethan Klein of H3's "Content Nuke" video on Hasan Piker. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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    #hasan #hasanabi #h3 #ethanklein #h3h3 #drama

Комментарии • 280

  • @Junier-Hussein
    @Junier-Hussein 22 дня назад +25

    You saw how Cenk tried to normalise/justify Trumps unhinged theatrical speech yesterday. I saw the comments everyone is going in on him 😂 The members are leaving & the comments are calling him out. It's nice to see many people are waking up to their bs.

  • @jeremyzeeky3024
    @jeremyzeeky3024 23 дня назад +97

    I WISH Ethan would debate someone like Sam seder or hasan on the issue of genocidal Israel. He would fall apart so quickly

    • @Seanonyoutube
      @Seanonyoutube 22 дня назад +1

      Sam isn’t interested and Ethan debated Hasan on the subject already

    • @pyratellamarecordingstudio1062
      @pyratellamarecordingstudio1062 22 дня назад +2

      Sam and Ethan would agree on everything

    • @allyjay7395
      @allyjay7395 22 дня назад

      That's absurd.

    • @MorningMoebius
      @MorningMoebius 22 дня назад +9

      @@pyratellamarecordingstudio1062 no they wouldn’t, Sam is a lot closer to Hasan then Ethan both politically and personally.

    • @MorningMoebius
      @MorningMoebius 22 дня назад +9

      @@Seanonyoutube Sam already said he was interested, Ethan is the one that said he was wasn’t and called Hasan antisemitic for even suggesting it.

  • @tylerhackner9731
    @tylerhackner9731 23 дня назад +177

    Ethan won’t debate Hasan or Sam on Israel because he’d fall apart

    • @donbianconi8446
      @donbianconi8446 23 дня назад +23

      I think Ethan lacks the tools intellectually and emotionally. So even if he could maintain control of his emotional responses, he seems to lack the critical thinking skills

    • @PunkiBrooster
      @PunkiBrooster 22 дня назад +9

      @@donbianconi8446he mostly just lacks the facts, and the being right

    • @davidbright6790
      @davidbright6790 22 дня назад +9

      "Sam Seder, what a fucking nightmare!" 😂😂😂

    • @donbianconi8446
      @donbianconi8446 22 дня назад +2

      @PunkiBrooster both very important to debate

    • @NAk-si3mk
      @NAk-si3mk 22 дня назад +2

      He's falling apart already

  • @gingergreek
    @gingergreek 22 дня назад +105

    The ban (again) was the best thing to happen to Hasan. All it does is draw more attention to him and boosts his profile. He should aim to get a ban every 18 months or so LOL The meltdown (by actual racists and ant-sems upon his ubnanning has been gold

    • @rabidfusion
      @rabidfusion 22 дня назад +7

      He spun this video beautifully, bringing attention into the actual corruption.

    • @commodusleitdorf2726
      @commodusleitdorf2726 22 дня назад +5

      I mean he had 50k in his stream yesterday when he's normally sitting on 35k so, yeah you're right.

    • @jaythehuman2552
      @jaythehuman2552 22 дня назад

      Guess the ALTRIGHT NPCs was wrong.
      Get "cancelled" equals More Views. No wonder they love getting themselves cancelled. Granted, Hasan knows how to manage and hold up. Most NPC right wing bots like Gina "failed UFC Disney" actress that fell off and became a daily wire crony. Lol ​@@commodusleitdorf2726

    • @AT-ji6tj
      @AT-ji6tj 22 дня назад

      I agree, keep banning him

    • @nunpho
      @nunpho 22 дня назад +4

      And that RUclips vid he put out has the highest views on his channel

  • @Weeping_Somnambulist
    @Weeping_Somnambulist 22 дня назад +11

    I think Hasan is going to stay on Twitch. Since his contract ended, he no longer runs ads and no longer requires users to be subbed to access all his content. On top of that, the Hasanabi Industrial Complex on YT pumps out videos all day long and he doesn't copy strike those people.

  • @countchocula3615
    @countchocula3615 22 дня назад +15

    The bit about the right always whining about comedy being dead and then pearl clutching when a leftist is being hyperbolic was a good point.

    • @colecaine.
      @colecaine. 21 день назад +1

      Dude they do it CONSTANTLY, it’s truly hilarious

  • @marianm8174
    @marianm8174 22 дня назад +23

    Hot take: i think the one day ban was a slap in the face to all the Hasan haters, and kind of awesome. Plus we got professor Hasan giving a lecture, which was a nice change of pace. Hope he does it more often.

    • @lukes9192
      @lukes9192 22 дня назад

      I would 100% believe if twitch told Hasan to be careful with his language and he just said "sure, but instead of that slap on the wrist just ban me for a day, and not for a Palestine take, so that they can stop crying about how I'm never banned"

    • @colecaine.
      @colecaine. 21 день назад +3

      He said the reception of that video made him want to do more standalone videos, so that’s kinda hype

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад

      Wow the cope is real, hasan who after platforming a terrorist didn't get banned and now because of ethan he got a one day ban, THATS a slap on hasan fans guzzling him thinking he is untouchable, I mean just look at him, hasan is frizzled lmao

    • @lukes9192
      @lukes9192 21 день назад

      @harshaeer6273 the fact that you think this ban had anything to do with ethan says your brain is being poked by the end of a shaft and stopping you from thinking properly. Get help

    • @malloryharding882
      @malloryharding882 21 день назад

      Yes! He made a video and people watched thinking they were getting a drama video. Instead they learned about the actual Medicare fraud that happened with Scott and is still currently happening at the provider side.

  • @PenStab
    @PenStab 22 дня назад +10

    I'm pretty sure Hasan wasn't actually joking and it's weird to see people keep repeating this.
    I thought it was obvious it was rhetorical - if Mike Johnson or Republicans cared at all about Medicare/aid waste, fraud, and abuse, then, by the sheer extremity of Rick Scott's crimes involving Medicare/aid waste, fraud, and abuse, the minimum logical response would be to off him.
    Obviously Hasan's detractors intentionally misinterpreted this as a "call to action" which is absurd, but even his supporters claiming, "it was just a joke, bro!" seems incorrect.
    He didn't say, in any way, that anyone, even Mike Johnson should do anything - he was simply highlighting the severity of Scott's crimes against this particular issue the Republicans are claiming to care about. It's not an extreme reaction, it's not even hyperbole, it is simply comparing magnitudes. Even if you cared about the waste, fraud, and abuse with a 1% modifier, the amount of damage Rick Scott did would still warrant the absolute maximum punishment available because his waste, fraud, and abuse was so massive.
    C'mon y'all.

    • @severalwolves
      @severalwolves 22 дня назад +1

      Yeah I don’t understand how people can’t wrap their heads around this rhetorical device. It’s like, maybe 6th grade level English class at most: “IF… THEN…”
      As a uniformed officer if the Grammar Police myself, this has been upsetting to see haha

    • @mckayaitch7335
      @mckayaitch7335 21 день назад +1

      That’s what I’m saying!! It’s a hypothetical not an instruction. People need real help with their general media literacy and comprehension of the English language.

  • @siniister710
    @siniister710 22 дня назад +13

    It's funny, I was an asmon casual viewer for a while many years ago. His WoW transmog contests were great content. About 18 months ago I said in his chat while he was bitching about DEI and "woke" that it sucks he became a right wing commentator and I missed the old content. Instabanned lol. Fast-forward to now and it seems I was literally spot on. It sucks to see him peddling this bullshit to a bunch of dumbass kids and racists.

    • @SwordBrother7
      @SwordBrother7 21 день назад

      Man I was literally the same. Going to bed watching his mount/transmog comps and reacting to Garrosh did nothing wrong....I even showed my mom his fkin steak video.
      Asmongold going down this hill is crazy. He used to be eloquent and well thought out. Now it's just drivel he reads on Twitter. It gives me second hand embarassment.

  • @cadenza23
    @cadenza23 22 дня назад +26

    So just a clarification on the Twitch ban thing. Twitch uses the word “ban” when they should really say “suspension.” They use bans of 1 to 30 days as punishments for TOS violations. If it’s really bad they can also permaban a streamer.
    Twitch discloses to the streamer how long their ban is, but not to the public. A lot of the time the streamer shares that info with the public but I think Hasan chose not to so he could focus attention not on the length but instead on Rick Scott. Seems like it was a 1 day ban though, which makes sense since it was a bullshit thing to be banned for anyway.

    • @trailersfromhell2539
      @trailersfromhell2539 22 дня назад

      Calling for murder is a bs reason for a ban. Wow.

    • @Jeremo-FD
      @Jeremo-FD 22 дня назад +4

      ​@@trailersfromhell2539 of Rick Scott? Yeah that's no big deal.

    • @trailersfromhell2539
      @trailersfromhell2539 22 дня назад

      @@Jeremo-FD average Hasan fan.

    • @exiledfrommyself
      @exiledfrommyself 22 дня назад

      ​@@trailersfromhell2539 Why is it a big deal in regards to Rick Scott?

    • @spockola
      @spockola 22 дня назад +3

      @@trailersfromhell2539 He didn't, but you still get a head pat for being a good orbiter or whatever.

  • @lyssxo1860
    @lyssxo1860 23 дня назад +64

    i definitely only use twitch to watch hasan 🤷‍♀️

    • @jfk8540
      @jfk8540 23 дня назад +4

      i only use youtube. if he were to start on youtube he’d probably still be streaming like he does now just through youtube

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 23 дня назад +4

      Twitch is super alt right now so you know they are pressed so many people just didn't use it today

    • @SashaIsAFox
      @SashaIsAFox 23 дня назад +11

      Denims is also awesome

    • @silverstrandforest3374
      @silverstrandforest3374 22 дня назад +4

      I initially only turned twitch on to watch Hasan but by having to go there I also discovered some great leftist streamers like Denims, SeanDaBlack, Gremloe, Caroline Kwan and Cinemarxist (and Hasan’s besties Will Neff & Austin Show just for apolitical shits ‘n giggles). So in the end being on twitch besides youtube has definitely enriched my online experience💜❤️

      @KANNIXING 22 дня назад

      @@silverstrandforest3374You can watch all of those people on yt.😅 I watched everyone I watched on Twitch on yt first

  • @zacharykam5161
    @zacharykam5161 22 дня назад +6

    The thing you're missing about Twitch bans is that for the days you're banned, your recurring subscriptiona don't renew on that day. So a one day ban is basically a fine of 1/30 of your monthly revenue. Which for Hasan is likely in the tens of thousands of dollars

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад

      Ooh so sad, the millionaire isn't gonna get paid for a day for telling people to kill someone, how can hasan recover from this

    • @zacharykam5161
      @zacharykam5161 21 день назад

      @@harshaeer6273 lol be honest, you don't actually care. You just don't like Hasan so you'll take any chance to hyperbolize

  • @spockola
    @spockola 22 дня назад +6

    Hasan doesn't currently have a contract with Twitch. He makes his money there entirely from subs (he probably has 30-40K subs a month, which works out to about $80-$100K/month depending on subscription tier.) He makes a massive amount of money from Twitch.

  • @thebickler2286
    @thebickler2286 22 дня назад +4

    From my understanding, when a streamer is banned on twitch the biggest punishment is auto-renewal on subscriptions are turned off so a 3 day suspension is 10% of their revenue, and a 7 day is ~25%, so the primary punishment is monetary, not deplatforming

  • @joestarwars5606
    @joestarwars5606 22 дня назад +5

    Love the vanguard guys but Hasan is never leaving twitch the live chat is better and all of his collab friends are on Twitch and he doesn’t care too much about ad revenue his entire stream is supported through subs now plus the CEO loves him so no real incentive to switch.

  • @Endless_Spirals
    @Endless_Spirals 22 дня назад +3

    Only Twitch streamers I watch regularly are Hasan and Denims. I know why they get attacked relentlessly by the right, but they are truly so uncontroversial if you actually listen to what they say. The right is absolutely unhinged.

  • @lolneo8766
    @lolneo8766 22 дня назад +11

    I love you guys people really dog on Hasan forgetting he’s literally human that just says things. He hasn’t done anything to hurt anyone and is a very charitable person. To cancel him over jokes in a stream that goes on for hours is ridiculous.

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад +1

      It's actually sad seeing so man hasan fans just brainwashed, hope you guys get better eventually

    • @lolneo8766
      @lolneo8766 21 день назад

      @ Don’t worry we’ll get better when you get a lobotomy

    • @lolneo8766
      @lolneo8766 21 день назад

      @ you call us brainwashed but every single thing Hasan says goes against mainstream media 💀

    • @lolneo8766
      @lolneo8766 21 день назад +3

      @you’re the kind of person to support Prager u schooling yet call us the brainwashed ones 💀 you probably think Rosa parks books is “brainwashing” too 😂

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад

      @@lolneo8766 sorry to burst your bubble dude, not American, I'm just telling how I see it without any preconceived ideas unlike someone like you, I saw both sides and made a judgement, not a blind sheep so can't relate

  • @AmericaTheEnslaved
    @AmericaTheEnslaved 23 дня назад +5

    Ethan Klein's response to Hasan being unbanned "GOD DAMNIT!!!"

  • @vegahimsa
    @vegahimsa 22 дня назад +2

    What pearl clutchers. “He said that Donald Trump should use a Time Machine to go back to the year 2000 and assassinate Rick Scott! He’s calling for violence”
    This whole thing has been so ridiculous

  • @Kcoldraz
    @Kcoldraz 22 дня назад +7

    I don't think the smear campaign is what is affecting him most. I think the political state is more affecting him. But maybe in this video you the boys are right.

  • @jlblost
    @jlblost 22 дня назад +5

    Ugh... the hasan take regarding hasans viewers on youtube and hasan's take had nothing to do with 'going live' on youtube or leaving twitch. It was a call and response to doing more pre-recorded youtube content.

  • @neopets666
    @neopets666 23 дня назад +13

    Ethan is so crusty omg

    • @ThompsonFlash9999
      @ThompsonFlash9999 22 дня назад

      $20k "delete the part of the stream where I said the n word again" button: OK
      $20 cough mute button: Never

  • @sevilnatas
    @sevilnatas 22 дня назад +6

    Streamers make way more income through Twitch than RUclips. All the big streamers that have switched over, did so because they got a bag from RUclips to switch, and they all move back, as soon as their contract is over. Live streaming on RUclips just doesn't have a comparable income model or infrastructure to make it worth it.

  • @ASaund-qb6wy
    @ASaund-qb6wy 22 дня назад +3

    Obviously it was a joke, as is the Republican Party actually caring about anything that will help Americans.

  • @MrKurtykurt
    @MrKurtykurt 22 дня назад +2

    I can’t wait to hear Hasan’s nuanced rebuttal to Ethan! He’s so smart and intellectual! You guys are super good at being smart too!

  • @mrbork7218
    @mrbork7218 22 дня назад +1

    Banning on twitch can actually be quite impactful financially. Most subs are from automatic resubs which don't renew while you're suspended.

  • @StevenSayers-oc4gk
    @StevenSayers-oc4gk 22 дня назад +8

    That’s right though, the right doesn’t like criticism when directed towards them selves. Everyone else is fair game, meaning anyone on the left.

    • @chokinonashes61
      @chokinonashes61 22 дня назад +3

      Or libs
      The fact they constantly conflate the two is irritating af

  • @larryfishmas
    @larryfishmas 23 дня назад +8

    I think one of the main things keeping people on twitch is the chat and the emojis. Sounds kinda stupid but they definitely do emojis better on twitch. RUclips has gotten better with members only emojis, but one thing thats nice on twitch is that you can use the emojis you unlock from subs on any stream, not just that content creators stream. Back when i used twitch regularly i would sometimes find cool content creators by clicking on a funny emoji i saw in chat and following it back to the channel it came from. So it's actually good for content creators that way too.

  • @maggieholt6778
    @maggieholt6778 22 дня назад +3

    For what it's worth, Ethan did respond to Asmondgold being anti-semitic.

    • @Hero_82
      @Hero_82 22 дня назад

      stop doing homework for other people, it's unbecoming. /s

    • @dreamie9868
      @dreamie9868 22 дня назад +1

      Which part? The holocaust revisionism or the saying Palestinians deserve to be genocided? I’d be surprised if he pushed back against the second one

  • @lukes9192
    @lukes9192 22 дня назад +2

    I mean I think it's abundantly obvious that "that's for another day" means he didn't want to go off topic and "do RUclips full time" is people just laughing or being reactionary at his one day ban. Literally nothing will change because of the past three days. I agree that a content nuke to address asmon and Ethan makes sense, but this was not a hint

  • @jrock71
    @jrock71 22 дня назад +2

    All the Twitch streamers that moved to YT cuz they got a bag, went back to Twitch after their contract was over, they all said it's better for streaming

  • @ceIIardoor
    @ceIIardoor 22 дня назад +8

    I don't think Hasan would make a response video to/about Ethan. I don't think he's into that petty drama ish.

    • @melbatoast.
      @melbatoast. 22 дня назад +1

      If he could use it to draw attention to more important issues he might

    • @jrock71
      @jrock71 22 дня назад +1

      He tells people to go watch Bad Empanadas video on it

  • @gojiplusone
    @gojiplusone 22 дня назад +1

    I don't think he should make a response video to H3's content puke. To be honest with you, the left content creators should stay away from petty internet dramas and focus on more important subjects. Leave the dirty work to BadEmpanada.

    • @phyllisford2130
      @phyllisford2130 22 дня назад

      Speaking of drama, BE and Hasan are back on the rocks because Hasan had the guys who made No Other Land, who are apparently liberal zionists on, and BE thought that was bullshit.

  • @MrSomeSkeptic
    @MrSomeSkeptic 22 дня назад +3

    Ok, so seandablack didn't stream on the day Hasan was banned and huge missed day. Please go /follow sean if you're looking for a Hasan adjacent stream. He's usually online in the hours before Hasan starts his stream and he needs some more viewer for sure. I stan Sean pretty hard but he deserves 10x the viewers imo so just throwing this out there on a random youtube comment for people that clicked that and probably looking for alt Hasan streams. Because I was like most Hasan viewers and just hit youtube for some Majority Report or some Kyle K if Hasan wasn't online yet. Sean is another option; that's basically the point of this comment.

  • @allyjay7395
    @allyjay7395 22 дня назад +1

    He may have been joking but shouldn't have been. Rick needs to go.

  • @partlydave2
    @partlydave2 22 дня назад +5

    He doesn't have a contract with Twitch anymore I think, so he can stream anywhere

  • @1_MrFantasy
    @1_MrFantasy 22 дня назад +2

    Go back to playing games Asmond, leave the political takes for us adults.

  • @thaddeusnallphilosophersst6855
    @thaddeusnallphilosophersst6855 22 дня назад +1

    Hasan has stated very clearly multiple times that he will only watch and respond to Ethan's content puke if Ethan will sit down and watch it with him.

  • @JennaPii
    @JennaPii 22 дня назад +5

    He just said I’m making RUclips videos now because his face cam vid did well and he wants to do more of those not live streaming to YT

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад

      Cause he'll get permabanned on yt if he said even a 10th of what he says on twitch, he's a bitch who'll never leave twitch because the people working their love the taste of his ass

    • @marianm8174
      @marianm8174 21 день назад

      @harshaeer6273 hahaha. Oh wait you were serious, let me laugh harder. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    • @harshaeer6273
      @harshaeer6273 21 день назад

      ​@@marianm8174would you look at that?, you fanboys can't handle anything man, lmao, that's hilarious, my comment are getting deleted because you people have nothing to say and are getting removed😂😂😂,I'll take that as my W that, you keep on crying pretending to go HAHAHAHA

  • @samuelc.7212
    @samuelc.7212 21 день назад

    Im glad he finally decided to muster the courage to respond to criticism. This is a bold new step in Hasan's career.

  • @JamesMcNichols-p8m
    @JamesMcNichols-p8m 22 дня назад +1

    Blakeley might want a word with you about “less likely to be censored on RUclips”, Zac.

  • @silverstrandforest3374
    @silverstrandforest3374 22 дня назад +1

    Hasan does not like youtubes live chat compared to twitches. I don’t really get what’s exactly lacking cause I’m no streamer but because the chat is such an essential part of Hasan’s streams he’s said he won’t even consider switching until youtubes chat functionality meets his standards🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @ASaund-qb6wy
    @ASaund-qb6wy 22 дня назад +1

    Who's better at gaming? Asmongold or Hasan? Seriously asking, no idea.

  • @John-iq7ry
    @John-iq7ry 22 дня назад

    It's MUCH more lucrative for streamers like Hasan to sign BIG deals with Twitch and stream there almost every day and then upload content to RUclips too. The guys who go fully to RUclips generally are just the ones who got permabanned on Twitch.

  • @Ghoulishblade
    @Ghoulishblade 22 дня назад +1

    Twitch said comedy is legal again

  • @modulus5
    @modulus5 22 дня назад +3

    Hasan sucks. Twitch sucks. Tankies suck.

  • @amandapower5475
    @amandapower5475 19 дней назад

    I just want to add that Hasan being banned on Twitch made me watch more SeanDaBlack, Denims, and Gremloe more. These are smaller Twitch streamers that could also use some love for anyone that’s interested.

  • @jackson857
    @jackson857 21 день назад

    Hasan no longer has a contract with Twitch and he doesn't run ads. The only money he's currently getting from streaming on Twitch is through subscribers. Of which I believe he has the 5th most on the platform.

  • @rainbowraver666
    @rainbowraver666 22 дня назад +1

    hasan's revenue is only based on subs and his co-op podcast which has a patreon, im p sure he's talked about it but he absolutely is not paid based on hours, its some percentage of the profit the platform makes off subscriptions. he's just unhinged and loves streaming which is why he's live like 8-10 hours a day 😂😂 but yeah because twitch isn't offering contracts anymore, he doesn't even run ads which he was required to run a minimum number of (1 per hour)

    • @rainbowraver666
      @rainbowraver666 22 дня назад +1

      also yeah his streams get ~live 30-40k viewers

  • @philparisi9175
    @philparisi9175 22 дня назад +2

    Yeah, I want to point something out about Hassan. I think he’s very smart and I do think he’s a good communicator. However, there were times during the beginning of the war the current war in Israel where his verbiage was sounding very antisemitic and I listen to him often and I had to stop because it was offensive. I listen to him again, but he did this, and I was commenting on itwhen he was doing it and it was really offensive, but sorry everyone in GenZ sings their thoughts about the situation are the only ones that count. I hope you all enjoy Donald Trump for the next four years because you’re the reason why he’s the president again.

  • @pagandragon830
    @pagandragon830 22 дня назад

    The thing about Discord is that you don't have billionaires censoring your content. Yes, it was made by gamers for gamers but there's a TON of content. Sons of Liberty is on YT as well as Discord so they can discuss what they want without getting banned. They already get demonetized on every single YT video.

  • @annabee1896
    @annabee1896 21 день назад

    "more people watch RUclips on their televisions" *me watching this video on my TV nodding* 👀🍿

  • @JennaPii
    @JennaPii 22 дня назад +1

    I like twitch because it offers live streaming to everyone and anyone but RUclips you have to have 100 followers and if u aren’t as good at editing as u are just riffing ur at a disadvantage

  • @oserodal2702
    @oserodal2702 22 дня назад

    The way Twitch operates is that it follows its own laws (guidelines) to a fault. "Too far jokes" do get streamers banned, in so far as showing to their management, investors and advertisers that it does curtail "extreme behavior" on the platform, at least in contrast to a platform like Kick.

  • @brodenorr6741
    @brodenorr6741 22 дня назад

    I never use Twitch. If Hasan was to start streaming on RUclips I would be way more likely to be able to tune into his stream . Most Of my Hasan consumption is clips on RUclips

  • @themcguy1
    @themcguy1 21 день назад

    Hasan wants to talk to Ethan on stream, he doesn't wanna do a video on him

  • @leedsinshetland
    @leedsinshetland 22 дня назад +1

    Multicast is fine now, isn't it? If I'm right in thinking it's been relaxed, Has should stream to both Twitch & RUclips simultaneously.

    • @jrock71
      @jrock71 22 дня назад

      He could, but I don't think the Hasanabi Industrial Clips Complex would be happy about it

  • @JessicaBerndt1073
    @JessicaBerndt1073 21 день назад

    Hasan is able to muti stream now, so I'm really surprised that he hasn't taken advantage of it. Maybe it's because he already has such a large audience on Twitch that monitoring a YT chat would be a huge responsibility?

  • @conradcoolerfiend
    @conradcoolerfiend 23 дня назад +4

    why doesnt he just simulcast his stream to his youtube channel. i dont see any downside? just upside, more viewers.

    • @wutthe8284
      @wutthe8284 23 дня назад +1

      i heard it can split your viewers somehow. I don't really get it but it's not always better. look it up if you're interested.

    • @Blarmenify
      @Blarmenify 22 дня назад +1

      ​@wutthe8284 that actually makes alotta sense

    • @Sheesha87
      @Sheesha87 22 дня назад

      Streaming can also affect your overall watch time to view ratio which can affect your revenue.

  • @1mahban
    @1mahban 22 дня назад

    Ethan just called the 2nd Intifada the 2nd ANTIFA*da and now I'm trying to square tf up

  • @Hero_82
    @Hero_82 22 дня назад +1

    you guys use "collaboration" in a really artistic way

  • @Canoby
    @Canoby 21 день назад

    I have to wonder why Hasan isn't more active on RUclips, even if nothing than to just stream on both 'tube and Twitch simultaneously

  • @ColleenWhateley
    @ColleenWhateley 22 дня назад +1

    I feel like it was an excuse to have him not streaming during the state of the union #tinfoilhat

  • @ceIIardoor
    @ceIIardoor 22 дня назад

    Why did this video repeat? For longer play time?

  • @Kcoldraz
    @Kcoldraz 22 дня назад +1

    Is hyperbole a joke? People keep saying that but that's a different thing entirely right?

    • @steveparkes2807
      @steveparkes2807 22 дня назад +1

      Not necessarily a joke but it's sometimes funny. It's an exaggerated form of speech not meant to be taken literally. Eg. "I'm so hungry I could eat the leg off a chair."
      I think that's what you were asking. If I'm wrong "I'm sorry and I'll self flagellate immediately". Again - hyperbole.

    • @mrbork7218
      @mrbork7218 22 дня назад +1

      @@steveparkes2807 It's more a literary technique where you use exaggeration to highlight something.

    • @steveparkes2807
      @steveparkes2807 22 дня назад

      @@mrbork7218 yeah that's what I said. I could eat the leg off a chair highlights how hungry I am.

  • @nataliet4293
    @nataliet4293 22 дня назад

    Asmon is to gaming as Rogan is to working out.

  • @Abrady2k3
    @Abrady2k3 21 день назад

    Ethan is no better than Kavanaugh

  • @Sense008
    @Sense008 22 дня назад

    You are severely underestimatig Asmogold. He IS funny, he only recently really turned to purely political commentary (if you can call it that), coming from the gaming community, where hecreated a big community. In my view he is a smart (but slimy) guy, who sees there is views and therefore money in doing the political commentary. No doubt he believes some of the dumb shit he says, but he is also a skilled troll and knows how to create content with controversial takes. Underestimatig his popularity and appeal really would be a mistake. To be clear, I really do not like him. But minimising him is not the way to go imo

  • @danie9596
    @danie9596 21 день назад

    Is he actually thinking about making a video about Ethan the same way he is actually thinking of going to Gaza?!

  • @wdsyalyn
    @wdsyalyn 22 дня назад

    Asmongold is funny when hes not talking about politics. Or at least this statement was true like a year ago when it was still about video games/his org. Also Hasan doesnt have a twitch contract anymore. So they dont pay him anything directly afaik.

  • @Zoeybunbun
    @Zoeybunbun 22 дня назад +2

    Sex Pestiny too

  • @Kcoldraz
    @Kcoldraz 22 дня назад +2

    Gavin wishing for a H3 nuke. That statement is just him stopping himself from getting sidetracked.

  • @arootlikemycelium
    @arootlikemycelium 22 дня назад

    that asmon dude is such a ghoul

  • @EDDIE.
    @EDDIE. 22 дня назад +1

    Moving from twitch is not smart at all nobody watches RUclips live sorry just the truth

    • @prodigal_southerner
      @prodigal_southerner 22 дня назад

      Dude, twitch probably won't even exist in 5 years. They don't generate enough money to justify existing. Lol

    • @EDDIE.
      @EDDIE. 22 дня назад

      @@prodigal_southerner they have been saying that for 5 yrs already lol

  • @17thsavior
    @17thsavior 23 дня назад +1

    Nah, that's just how he speaks.

    • @PunkiBrooster
      @PunkiBrooster 22 дня назад

      It’s that classic Muslim country ESL. Everything’s a vague possibility (inshallah)

  • @NateSmokes816
    @NateSmokes816 23 дня назад +3

    I wish Hasan would run for office. God he would be great.

    • @Rod-f6m
      @Rod-f6m 22 дня назад

      No, tbh this is his best position in the discourse.
      He would be chained to an office while they pile sabotage and smear him.

  • @SkepTix-j9e
    @SkepTix-j9e 22 дня назад

    No he's not

  • @SashaIsAFox
    @SashaIsAFox 23 дня назад +5

    Hasan is my goat

  • @helvild
    @helvild 22 дня назад

    Asmongold made it through gaming content. Especially wow content. I used to watch him before he went down the woke and political content rabbit hole. He was actually knowledgeable about gaming content like mechanics etc. I think he øike many others got caught up in the isolation experiment called in 2020-2022 where many youtubers/podcasters seems to have caught the brainworms which turned them into rightwing weirdos.

  • @jilliansmaniotto2326
    @jilliansmaniotto2326 22 дня назад

    0:20 god damn hasan’s voice sounds extra hot here 👀👀

  • @AP-op4rc
    @AP-op4rc 22 дня назад

    Gonna take more than that to shut down ole Hank Pecker

  • @ConstantChaos1
    @ConstantChaos1 23 дня назад +2

    And like for once its just a joke that was actually a joke

    • @Dogtrio
      @Dogtrio 22 дня назад

      Was it? I mean, I wish trump would give rick scott capital punishment

  • @christopherscott6854
    @christopherscott6854 21 день назад

    Did Hasan finally watch the nuke??

  • @alizard9228
    @alizard9228 22 дня назад +1

    Omg, Lolo follows you guys. 😳 Biggest reveal of this video.

  • @mitchlamping530
    @mitchlamping530 22 дня назад +1

    Just because hasan agrees with you politically doesn’t mean you should overlook alll the shitty things he’s done

    • @coasterblocks3420
      @coasterblocks3420 22 дня назад +1

      Such as…

    • @frogdrug8282
      @frogdrug8282 22 дня назад

      The most shitty thing he has done is misspeak. And when he gets called out for it he self reflects and apologizes.
      Whats so evil about that?

  • @dordevicm
    @dordevicm 22 дня назад

    GOD he's handsome...

  • @TokyoKitty01
    @TokyoKitty01 21 день назад

    Can you cover more Hasan and Ethan drama 😂❤

  • @aldrincandoy3876
    @aldrincandoy3876 21 день назад

    Its all about context

  • @erfanc910
    @erfanc910 22 дня назад

    I hate the fact this and hasan is the only progressive channels we got since tyt died . I hate these guys lol

    • @chokinonashes61
      @chokinonashes61 22 дня назад

      Majority Report? GNN streams for hours at a time. No Comment Chick, The Discourse, The Serfs, Matt Binder's channels, Left Reckoning, the LetterHack, Leftist Mafia, Like It Or Not, Clickbaity Political Thirsttrap..
      Surely there's something for you. TYT has always been sus

    • @chokinonashes61
      @chokinonashes61 22 дня назад

      And Hasan is back anyway 😅

    • @erfanc910
      @erfanc910 22 дня назад

      @ gotta get better leaders for progressives .. it’s unfortunate

  • @Seli.em54
    @Seli.em54 22 дня назад

    I thought he was Russell brand lmao

  • @TheKcXiV
    @TheKcXiV 23 дня назад

    Zack was just an average Wow player that some people found entertaining. I dont get it lol

  • @earybanushi6494
    @earybanushi6494 22 дня назад

    16:44 oh so that’s the real reason you want him to come to RUclips 😂

  • @yayobill3159
    @yayobill3159 22 дня назад


  • @AshiwiZuni
    @AshiwiZuni 22 дня назад +3

    I think this video is a reach

  • @andrewrees4600
    @andrewrees4600 22 дня назад

    Who the hell is destiny?

    • @chokinonashes61
      @chokinonashes61 22 дня назад

      A centrist sex criminal debate lord
      Michael Brooks got him good back in the day

  • @andrewkoster6506
    @andrewkoster6506 22 дня назад

    haahahahahaha i've been banned from League of Legends for longer for saying far less (or even for saying nothing at all)

  • @fugazi225
    @fugazi225 23 дня назад

    Thanks for info

  • @Dreamhousedream
    @Dreamhousedream 22 дня назад

    Yes please ❤

  • @gordongordonlife
    @gordongordonlife 20 дней назад

    Free hassssan! (to youtube)

  • @07Flash11MRC
    @07Flash11MRC 22 дня назад +1

    Isn't Asmond some type of pro-gamer? Pretty sure that's why most of his viewers started following him.

    • @telmobrito519
      @telmobrito519 22 дня назад +1

      lmao good joke bro, no he sucks massively even on the game he played for 15 years ( wow )
      He was more like your charming dumbass friend that you would go play games with. Until he started tackling politics the content was quite fun.

    • @07Flash11MRC
      @07Flash11MRC 22 дня назад

      @@telmobrito519 "good joke bro": What joke? It's a tragedy that podcast-bros™like Asmond have any followers at all. Their ideology is destroying all kinds of human rights.